About me


I am currently learning full-stack web development at Masai school, Bangalore. This course is helping me learn not only technical skills but soft skills as well. A full-stack developer who specializes in JavaScript technologies across the MERN stack (MongoDB,Express,React,Node.js). I am experienced in building complete web applications with API systems.

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My Skills

My Projects

This is some of My Highlighted Projects.


Uniqlo is a Japanese casual wear clothing store, cloned with using HTML,CSS,JavaScript. Uniqlo e-commerce web application


This is a clone of BuyWow which is your one-stop destination for all health, grooming and beauty needs.For the frontend, we have used HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ES6. Localstorage and API authentication is been used on backend.

Get in touch

Kalna,West Bengal


+91 6294088419

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I have done many collaborative projects. I have lots of experience working with a team. So, I am a team player and have great communication, time management skill.

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